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The Headlines
MUSEUM BULLETINS.Major museums in the United Statesmade little headwayin diversifying their collections between 2008 and 2020, according to a study by art journalistsJulia HalperinandCharlotte Burns, theArt Newspaperreports.Robert Stein, theMilwaukee Art Museum’s deputy director, has been namedchief information officerat theNational Gallery of Artin Washington, D.C. And the new restaurant at theNational Galleryin London,Ochre, which was designed by the local firmRed Deer, isfeaturedinHospitality Design;its cocktail menufeatures drinks inspired by works bySeurat,Canaletto, and many more.
THE WAR IN UKRAINE.Earlier this year, Ukrainian collectorsVictor and Elena Pinchuksold aJeff KoonsBalloon Monkey(2006–13)—atChristie’s,raising some $11.5 millionfor humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Now more big-ticket items are heading to auction to support the country. On Wednesday atSotheby’s, American philanthropistMitzi Perdueisoffering an emerald ring(the gem is from a storied shipwreck) with a top estimate of $70,000; proceeds are also going to humanitarian efforts. Meanwhile, Ukraine said it haswon a court rulingin Croatia to auction off a $200 million yacht seized from sanctioned oligarchViktor Medvedchuk, theGuardianreports. NamedRoyal Romance, it was built in 2005 and can support 14 guests and 21 crew members.
The Digest
PhilanthropistAdrienne Arshtdonated $10 million to theMetropolitan Museum of Artto support itsMetLiveArtsperformance series, a record gift for the New York institution’s Department of Live Arts. Arsht also gave $5 million to the program in 2020.[Press Release/The Met]
The cover of the latest issue ofNew Yorkmagazine—“Reasons to Love New York”—includes on its cover a bustling street scene with notables like artistsMarilyn Minter,Alex Katz,Laurie Simmons, andHank Willis Thomas, dealerEbony L. Haynes,Senator Chuck Schumer, and directorSpike Lee. It was shot byPelle Cass.[Curbed/New York Magazine]
The closely watchedKochi-Muziris Biennalein India said that 90 artists have been selected for its fifth edition, which opens December 12. They includeJoan Jonas,CAMP,Christine Sun Kim,Haegue Yang, andRichard Bell. More than 40 new works have been commissioned.[Biennial Association]
A petition is calling for theSchool of the Art Institute of Chicagoto rescind the honorary degree that it awarded toYe(formerlyKanye West) in 2015, in light of the antisemitic comments the rapper and designer has made. Many in the art field have beennot condemnedthose remarks,Alex Greenbergerrecently noted inARTnews.[Artnet News]
Prices are climbing for couture costume jewelry at auction, with strong demand coming from bidders aged 25 to 35, according to one expert in the field. Earlier this year, 1948 earrings made byLina BarettiforChanel(and once owned by her) hammered for €5,700 ($5,970) at a Paris house, trouncing their €300 estimate.
[The New York Times]
An unknown object—80 feet long, made of metal and wood—has been spotted in the sands of Daytona Beach Shores in Florida, with some speculating that it may be a shipwreck orNASCARspectator stand. Storms and erosion in the state have been revealing all sorts of unusual artifacts in recent years.[The New York Times]
The Kicker
THE KING OF NEW YORK.TheWhitney Museum’s currentEdward Hoppershow looks at how the artist depicted his beloved hometown, beautiful New York. It is a thrilling affair that may inspire you to go wander Manhattan’s streets, and if you do, the Whitney has something special to offer, James Barronreports in theNew York Times: anonline mapthat reveals where Hopper painted many of his most iconic works. Not everything that he depicted still exists, alas. TheSheridan Theater, for one, has vanished. “We had to settle for the park where the theater once stood,” a Whitney spokesperson told Barron. Such disruptive changes are, of course, the blessing and the curse of living in New York City.[NYT]