Cristina Lama, ENTRETANTO, 2022, oil on linen, 200 x 300 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Delimbo Gallery; Art Central 2022. ©Vanessa Li Photography, All Rights Reserved; Oh Young, A Happiness of Resignation, 2018, oil on canvas, 116.8 x 91 cm. Courtesy of the artist and J 12 Contemporary Art by Jason; Art Central 2022. ©Vanessa Li Photography, All Rights Reserved.
香港藝術週重點展會 Art Central 將於3月22至25日在香港會議展覽中心舉行。此次共有超過70間國際及亞洲畫廊參展,展出跨越三個畫廊展區超300位藝術家的作品。距離第八屆展會揭幕僅剩5週。各展區看點如下。
Chung Dim – Anne Samat, Eyes Are like Angels but Heart Is Cold 1, 2021, Rattan sticks kitchen and garden utensils beads ceramic metal and plastic ornaments, 120 x 95 x 10 in. Courtesy of the artist and MARC STRAUS; Edgar Plans, Harry Potter. Courtesy of the artist and Villazan.
我們誠邀您到場探索國際畫廊帶來的精采展位,包括 021gallery (大邱), Alzueta Gallery (巴塞隆拿), Art of the World Gallery (侯斯頓), Art Underground (馬尼拉), Atelier Aki (首爾)⋯⋯Guns & Rain (約翰內斯堡), K空間 (成都), MARC STRAUS (紐約), Number 1 Gallery (曼谷) ,以及 VETA by Fer Francés (馬德里)。亦有本地畫廊大放異彩:Contemporary by Angela Li, JPS Gallery, Novalis Art Design, 凱倫偉伯畫廊, Soluna Fine Art, Square Street Gallery, The Spectacle Group 以及 Touch Gallery。
Gwo Wai – Ms. Dyu, So, Where Is the Dream Blossom, 2023, oil on canvas, 120 x 90 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Suomei M50 Gallery; Taufik Ermas, Present in Absentia 2, 2018, acrylic oil pastel on customized canvas, 160 x 110 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Artemis Art.
2023年的「過位」展區包括Artemis Art (吉隆坡) 呈獻的展位:來自日惹市的藝術家Dedy Sufriadi及Taufik Ermas聯手群展; 索美M50畫廊 (上海) 呈獻的三位藝術家的群展:魏興 (中國), Olga de Dios (西班牙), 以及 Ms. Dyu (俄羅斯) 和「森」當代文人空間 (香港) 呈獻的翁狄森, Chen and Zhang 以及何兆敞的群展。
過位 特選展位 / 更多介紹
Duk Dak – József Csató, Guard I, 2022, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 160 x 140 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Double Q Gallery; Javier Martin, FREEDOM, 2023, acrylic on canvas, 20 x 26 x 4 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Arta.
獨立且特殊,合起來就是專為個人展覽而設的「獨特」 展區,將展出畫廊代理的新晉和知名藝術家的作品。
2023年的「獨特」展區網羅多個畫廊呈獻的精采個人展覽:藝途畫廊呈獻的唐偉傑個展,Arta 呈獻的 Javier Martin 個展,Contemporary by Angela Li 呈獻的梁寶瀛個展,Double Q Gallery呈獻的 József Csató 個展, Guns & Rain 呈獻的 Tuli Mekondjo 個展, Odds and Ends 呈獻的麥穎森個展, Tanya Baxter Contemporary 呈獻的 Bridget Riley 個展, Delimbo Gallery 呈獻的 Cristina Lama 個展, Gallery Woo 呈獻的韓忠錫個展, 以及 Katsumi Yamato 呈獻的NKSIN個展。
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