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The Headlines
THE DIRECTOR’S CHAIR.Miami’sRubell Museumhas tappedCaitlin Berryto be the director of its forthcoming branch in Washington, D.C., theArt Newspaperreports. Berry has led theCody GalleryatMarymount Universityin Arlington, Virginia, and will be taking the reins of a 32,000-square-foot space in a former school that is is slated to open near the end of October. Over in Cincinnati, theTaft Museum of Arthas hiredRebekah “Becky” Beaulieuto be its next president and CEO, per theCincinnati Business Courier. Beaulieu is coming from theFlorence Griswold Museumin Old Lyme, Connecticut, where she is currently director. And art adviserSheri L. Pasquarella, a cofounder of theNew Art Dealers Alliance,has been namedexecutive director of theChurch, the arts center inSag Harbor, New York, created by artistsApril GornikandEric Fischl,Art & Architecture Quarterlyreports.
ARTIST UPDATES.Salman Toorgot the profile treatment fromCalvin Tomkinsin theNew Yorker, in a story that includes guest appearances fromRachel FeinsteinandJohn Currin(who has “started to look a bit grizzled, according to Tomkins). The one-namerBadiucao, whose work critiques theChinese Communist Party, was featured on60 Minutes.Pipilotti Rist, with an exhibition on tap atTai Kwunin Hong Kong, was featured in theSouth China Morning Post.Tiona Nekkia McCloddenhas a doubleheader of exhibitions in New York, at theShedand52 Walker, and is inCultured. AndJosé Parlá, who was in an induced-coma for three months after contracting Covid-19 in early 2021, is in theNew York Times, timed to his new show at theLibrary Street Collectivein Detroit. “It’s a miracle that I’m here talking to you,” Parlá told the paper.
The Digest
A rare incense table from the late Ming dynasty went for more than three times its high estimate atPoly Auctionin Beijing, selling for the equivalent of about $6.2 million.[The Value]
The lateClaudeandFrançois- Xavier Lalanneare having a market moment, withChristie’sandSotheby’sreadying one auction each of their work, sourced their daughtersMarieandDorothée Lalanne, respectively.[Penta]
The inaugural Paris edition ofDesign Miamihas been nixed after police officials denied organizers a permit to stage the fair in the Place de la Concorde, citing security concerns about that public space. The event had been slated to run in late October alongsideArt Basel’sParis+fair.[ArchinectandArtnet News]
Amid Black Lives Matter protests, theNational Museum Cardiffin Wales removed from view a portrait ofThomas Picton, a British military officer notorious for his brutal rule as Trinidad’s governor around 1800. Now it is back on view, in a packing crate, with newly commissioned art and educational materials.[The Guardian]
As part of a new round of action, Russia sanctioned the U.K. arts nonprofitCalvert 22, which has focused on culture in Russia and the former Soviet region. The move may restrict people involved with it from entering the country. The group’sCalvert Journal, which ceased publishing when Russia invaded Ukraine, has condemned the war.[ArtReview]
The Kicker
POSTER CHILD.In theLos Angeles Times, columnistCarolina Mirandahasa rollicking Q&Awith the guerrilla poster artistRobbie Conal, whose recent work has attacked theSupreme Courtfor overturningRoe v. Wade. ArtistsLeonGolubandNancy Spero“were my art mom and dad,” said Conal, who shared a great story about a fistfight breaking out at a lecture by Golub that he organized. Miranda asked: What makes him undertake a postering campaign? “I have to get really pissed off—which is easy,” he said. “There’s so many bad guys and so little time. You know those thermometer things at state fairs where you hit the thing and it goes up? I have one of those inside my body.”[LAT]